Sunday, August 12, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23: I AM DONE (stick a fork in me)!!!

My picture might be alitte extreme but this is how I felt going into this project (not being able to see) now I can see! I get it! After hours and hours of frustration (and me frustrating the people around me), grumbling, laughing and at one point giving up altogether, I made it! And I'm sorry to see it end.
I worked on this project at home, so my help and support system came from my son ("Think Mother, it's not rocket science"), my daughter ("Oh Mother, you are so cute"), and my husband who had the good sense to play golf every Sunday! Therefore, I dedicate my attempt at 23 Things to them. Thanks for the memories.
I found the statement that the exercises would take 15 to 20 minutes to complete misleading, and I thought the constant signing up for and logging in to different sites tedious and time consuming. Wouldn't it have been simpler for the system to have a universal log-in and sign-up code?

I would participate again, for on a whole, it was a great learning experience (I can do things now, that I couldn't when I started), Like I said on Week 6 Thing 15, it is a Brave New World out there and I'm going to walk forward, with eyes open, learning every step of the way. Thank you

Week 9 Thing 22: Project Gutenberg

I chose to view Project Gutenberg.I thought this was one of the neatest sites I have ever seen. I would like to meet Michael Hart, the founder. After looking through the online catalog I'm sure I will view this site often. I found a book online that gave me some answers to several questions a patron asked me last week and I hadn't been able to find answers. I'm totally excited about calling her this week and letting her know what I found. Positive experience with this web site.

Week 9 Thing 21: Podcasts

Podcasts would be useful for teaching specific information to groups of people, some not in the same locations. Although, I found it disconcerting not to have written words to look at and I also found my concentration waning.

Week 9 Thing 20: You Tube

You Tube was alot of fun. You could spend a lifetime looking at sites, however, you do need to be careful what word you use for your search. I settled on the Lego site, fairly safe, considering what people can do with legos, camera, immagination and patience, enormous amount of creativity out there! I was going to choose Michael Jacksons Thriller but I found Monty Pythons Holy Grail. Well done and really funny.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Week 8 Thing 19: Web 2.0 Awards List

I choose the category fun stuff and then chose One Sentence. I was amazed how much annoymous emotion can be conveyed in one sentence. One sentence stuck out : Every book I have ever read was made up of single sentences.

Week 8 Thing 18: Word Processing Spreadsheets

This seems to be a free web-based microsoft word.

Week 7 Wikis Thing 17: Learning 2.0 Sandbox Wiki

I dreaded this, I thought I would screw this up big time. I was worried I was going to get all kinds of unwanted e-mails. It was not as difficult as I thought and I don't think I'm going to get all kinds of unwanted e-mails.

Week 7 Wikis Thing 16 : Wikis & Innovative Ways

Saint Joseph County Public Library System should win an award for their subject guide page. Not only is there information about what can be found at library but also in their community, i.e. local scholarships. I think this could possibly be a useful resource we could provide for our communtiy. It might be something our teams could condsider exploring. A Booklovers wiki would also provide a needed resource for our patrons and librarians. The library could post read-alikes, list of author series, if you like this author...

Week 6 Thing 15: Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the future

I read several of the perspectives. I could comment on them but I would rather comment on the You Tube Video The Machine is Us/ing Us by Professor Wesch. WOW, this above all stirred me more than anything so far in this experience of 23 things. I was mesmerized, first by his sheer knowledge, skill and patience, then by his message. My thoughts,: scary, exciting, overwhelming. It is a Brave New World, his title says it all.

Week 6 Thing 14: Technorati

The results were much different for a tag search, which was more condensed to the most current posts, then you could view all if wanted. Keyword search got a lot of stuff at once, abd the blog directory was like a phone book, like a broad spectrum google search. One thing was really neat, at each site, there was a post made within the last hour by an Ellen who was working on 23 Things from Baltimore. And surprise, Paris Hilton is listed under the top searches.

Week 6 Thing 13: Tagging and

At first I really did not understand the concept, however I do now. When I put in my tag (once I figured it out) I clicked on a link and thought Wow Jim would really like to see this, so I bookmarked it. One observation, isn't bookmarking the same as favorites?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12: Rollyo

I don't think I will ever use this, I would rather use google, although I can understand why someone would want to personalize a search engine, might be simpler.

Week 5 Thing 11: LibraryThing

I like to read and these are some of my favorite books. I found it interesting to see how many other people liked the same books. Not Many.

Week 5 Thing 10: Play Week

Ok! This was alot of fun but I was very disappointed that I could not post my yahoo avatar to my blog. I'm sure you all would have liked to have seen my pink mohawk roman soldier with pet monkey down on the farm!!!! I could not find the download page and ended up getting frustrated. I didn't delete it though, I am going to try again later. Help me Jennifer or Lisa! If you have read my blog you will see that I did finally get my avatar to post. I admit I called Jennifer for help - she said she would be able to come Monday. Over the weekend I really wanted to try annd accomplish it myself. Guess what? If you take your time, focus, and read you can do it. Jennifer came Monday, I had an avatar to show her, although I couldn't get the sword or the monkey to move. Thanks, Jennifer.

Week 4 Thing 9: Merlin RSS

The easiest way to set up a feed for a particular site, for me, was to scroll down and look for the sites RSS button.

Week 4 Thing 8: Rss & Newsreaders

This was pretty easy because we already had to set one up within our library system. I am looking forward to reading the new feeds I picked, especially the Onion.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Week 3 Thing 7: Technology and me?

I'm better suited for a record room, legal pad and research. I am determined to get better. What I have found to be cool is I can get direction and help from my son even if he is not here. He can use his computer to correct my computer. I know I am not explaining my thoughts correctly but it was cool. Also, I saw a cartoon the other day that showed that the I Phone has a direct link to God.

Week 3 Thing 6: Mashups

This was fun to do but I don't know how people have so much time on their hands to do this kind of thing all the time.

Week 3 Thing 5: Flickr

This was an interesting web site but I needed help from my son to negotiate it. I thought he would like to strangle me. "Pick an object" he said, I just stared at him. "Snowman" I said, "Fine type it in there Mother" I did and I found this one and it made us laugh.

Week 2 Thing 4: Register and Track

Reading is fundamental, did not need to make unnecessary trip in car.

Week 2 Thing 3: Create your own blog

Drove myself crazy coming up with a name. But I did it!!!!

Week 1 Thing 2: Lifelong Learning

Your whole life is a learning experience. Common sense prevails.

Week 1 Thing 1 About This Program

Somebody spent alot of time putting this program together.


Easiest habit is accept responsibility for my own learning. I like to learn. Hardest habit is to use technology to my advantage. Eventually I will be come more comfortable with use.